• gray background
    This is our Math 51 course website. I will post the course syllabus and calendar here,
    as well as any worksheets and test reviews used in the class. I look forward to working
    with you!!!
  • math equations cover
    is a Gateway:
    understanding it will help you
    understand science, technology,
    engineering and other maths!
Palomar College Math

Your success is our goal!!

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Free Tutoring @TLC

No Appointment Needed

Palomar College offers free, walkin tutoring in the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC), located in LRC-503 inside the Learning Resource Center building. You will find a quiet, comfortable space to work in where you can get both tutor and instructor help. Computers are available for you to work on. Come check it out!

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Course Calendar  


My Office Location:

  •   SM — 123C

Office Hours:

  •   9:25 — 10 am MTWTh in the tutoring center.

  •   10 — 11 am on Wed. in the tutoring center.

  •   2:30 — 3:10 pm on Mon. & Wed. in my office.

  •   12 — 12:40 pm on Tues. & Thurs. in my office.

My Schedule

my schedule timetable


Math 51 — Intermediate Algebra

Professor Tim Busken

Office Location: SM – 123C

Office Hours:
9:25 – 10 am on MTWTh in the tutoring center
10 – 11 am on Wed. in the tutoring center
2:30 – 3:10 pm and on Mondays and Wednesdays in my office
12 – 12:40 pm on Tues. & Thurs. in my office
Telephone: 559-791-2226

Email Address:

Website: timbusken.com

Section 30241

MW 3:25—5:55 pm AC 117
Final Exam:
Wednesday, May 13   3 — 5 p.m.

Section 30242

T-Th 12:50—3:20 pm AC 117
Final Exam:
Tuesday, May 12

  12:30 — 2:30 p.m.


56% —best 6 of 7 tests
               are worth 9.33% each
19% — MyMathlab HW
25% — Final Exam

Note: This instructor reserves the right to add, change or modify the syllabus and calendar, including test days, by announcing such changes in class.

Numerical course grades are rounded to the nearest whole percentage and translate to a letter grade.
A = 90% — 100%     B = 80% — 89%     C = 75% — 79%     D = 60% — 74%     F = 0% — 59%    

eBook : Elementary and Intermediate Algebra 6E, by Bittinger, Ellenbogen, and Johnson. This course covers chapters 7–13.

MyMathLab Student Access Kit,
ISBN: 9780321199911,
Publisher: Pearson

The access kit (below) comes with an ecopy of the textbook (below)and MyMathlab homework software (BOTH ARE REQUIRED).
access kit picture
picture of text book

Communication: I will send announcements and reminders to the class via email and text message. If you want to receive these emails, then you must have (or create) a mymathlab account. If you want to get announcements from me via text message, please use your phone to sign up by texting “@profbusken” to 81010.

text @profbusken to 81010 to sign up for text message announcements.

Course Description: Total lecture 90 hours. Includes the study of elementary algebraic theory and techniques. Extends beyond elementary algebra, including quadratics, rational functions, complex numbers, binomial theorem, ratio, proportion, variation, progressions, and logarithms. Prerequisites: Students will have passed MATH P055 Elementary Algebra (or the equivalent) with a grade of ”C” or higher, or a ”C” or higher in second semester of high school geometry.

Student Learning Outcomes At the end of this course a student will be able to:
1. Perform operations with radicals.
2. Solve exponential and logarithmic equations, as well as quadratic equations and inequalities.
3. Solve nonlinear systems and graph basic conic sections.
4. Demonstrate how to solve two linear equations by substitution and elimination.

Academic Accomodation: Students with a verified disability may qualify for alternate media, extended time testing, and other various accommodations provided by the Disability Resource Center. Students with disabilities who may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Disability Resource Center (DRC) early in the semester so that reasonable accommodations may be implemented as soon as possible. Students may contact DRC in person in AC 115 or by phone at 559-791-2215.

Online Gradebook: All grades will be posted on mymathlab’s gradebook.

Required Materials: MyMathlab access code, Pencils, Erasers, Notebook or 3 ring binder, Scientific Calculator and

Recommended Materials: (not required) Math Study Skills, 2nd Ed., Alan Bass, ISBN: 978-0-321-89307-9

Calculator Note: Please bring a calculator to class each day. If you are going to buy a scientific calculator, a good choice is the TI-30XIIS, which costs about $15. Calculator use in the class and on tests will be very minimal. It is encouraged that you refrain from using a calculator when doing the homework, unless otherwise instructed, so that you are simulating the conditions of the test. Calculators are only allowed on one or two tests. If calculator use is allowed on a test, students are forbidden to share a calculator.

Make Up Tests: There will be 7 chapter tests. The best 6 of 7 test will make up 56% of your overall grade. Each test of your 6 best tests is worth 9.33%. There is a mandatory, comprehensive final exam worth 25%. Each student must take the final exam to earn a passing grade in the class. There will be no makeup tests for any reason. Your 2nd lowest test grade will be replaced with the grade you earn on the final, provided the final exam percentage is higher than the 2nd lowest test percentage score. Each test will be a 50–75 minute test with 10–25 questions on it. Be prepared to show your work on all assignments and tests in a clear and organized fashion. In this class we will be learning how to do problems algebraically in a step-by-step fashion. For all tests, points are assigned to steps and notation, as well as to the final answer. Getting the correct answer is only worth a small portion of the total points for the problem. To earn full credit for a problem, you must show all steps, use correct algebra and notation, and arrive at the correct answer.

Homework: Homework will be submitted online via MyMathlab. Due dates will be available through MyMathLab. Expect to be assigned between 10-40 problems per section in the text covered. The totality of homework problems is worth 19% of your grade. I do NOT accept late homework or corrections to homework. You may not use internet or technology issues as an excuse for incomplete assignments. There are computers in The Learning Center and Learning Resource Center (library) that you may use for the online assignments if you are having issues with your home equipment or if you do not have a computer. The Learning Center is located in LRC-503 inside the Learning Resource Center. If you need a lot of help with the homework, you need to get over to The Learning Center (TLC) before you get far behind. No appointment is necessary!!

Class Attendance: Class attendance is an integral part of the learning process for this course. Students are expected to attend class regularly, as well as to arrive and depart on time. Students with excessive absences (including tardiness) may be withdrawn from the class. Note that although college policy provides for a certain number of class absences, that number covers all types of absences, including absences such as those due to documented illness or other emergency; absences for illness or emergencies are not accommodated in addition to those allowable under the attendance policy. Students may be withdrawn after more than two weeks absence of any kind. Students are expected to notify me by email if they were or are going to be absent or late.

Course Procedures: The format of the class will be a combination of in-class activities, group work, discussion, procedures and mini-lectures. Homework will be assigned daily. Questions on homework will be discussed at the beginning of each class meeting. It will be your responsibility to complete and correct homework problems and make sure you understand them. Lecture: Attending class is an important component of learning. Each meeting includes some notes and discussion to help clarify and understand the main ideas of the sections covered. Students who miss class are still responsible for announcements or changes regarding the course outline, class activities, homework assignments, due dates and exam dates.

Please come to lecture alert and prepared to learn. Prior to class, skim through the section and work some of the examples. After lecture, reread the text and review your lecture notes before starting the homework set. Number of hrs per week outside of class that students are expected to devote to the course: 10-20 hours per week outside of class. If you don’t like the grade you are getting, throw more time at the problem. Students are encouraged to form study groups. Get tutoring from TLC, and find help from the internet with youtube and Khan Academy videos.

Participation: It is your obligation, as well as your responsibility, to participate in class discussions and in-class assignments. I encourage everyone to be active learners; this means you ask questions in class whenever you do not understand something. I advise you to get to know your classmates and to work in groups outside of class, if possible.

Learning Center Hours
Monday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Academic Integrity Cheating is considered fraud. If you are caught cheating, you may be given a grade of “F” for the assignment or exam. Behavior: Class time is valuable. You are expected to be courteous to each other and to the instructor. You will be asked to leave the class for display of behavior the instructor deems as disruptive to the class environment. If you are disruptive in class (after being warned), you could be suspended from the course for up to 2 days. Comments about another’s race, ethnicity, accent, appearance, intelligence, or sexual orientation will not be tolerated on any level. Students should be familiar with the college’s "Student Code of Conduct" and "Student Discipline Procedures."

Academic Integrity Cheating is considered fraud. If you are caught cheating, you may be given a grade of “F” for the assignment or exam. Behavior: Class time is valuable. You are expected to be courteous to each other and to the instructor. You will be asked to leave the class for display of behavior the instructor deems as disruptive to the class environment. If you are disruptive in class (after being warned), you could be suspended from the course for up to 2 days. Comments about another’s race, ethnicity, accent, appearance, intelligence, or sexual orientation will not be tolerated on any level. Students should be familiar with the college’s "Student Code of Conduct" and "Student Discipline Procedures."

Drops: If you decide to drop the course, use Inside PC to drop yourself. Dont wait for me to drop you automatically. If I drop you and you want to be reinstated, see me quickly.

Extra Credit Policy: The prerequisite take-home test (given on Day 1) is worth up to 5% added to your 2nd lowest test score (since I’m dropping your lowest test score). The will be no other extra credits. Set aside extra time in your schedule to work on the class, otherwise it could cost you a lot more extra time if you have to keep retaking the class.

Expectations: You are expected to have passed Elementary Algebra and have sufficient knowledge of the following topics:
Commutative, associative, and distributive laws
Fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and reducing)
Positive and negative numbers
Exponential notation and the order of operations
Solving equations, formulas, inequalities, and applications involving these
Graphing linear equations; intercepts, rates, slopes, and equations of lines
Absolute value
Properties of exponents
Polynomials (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)
Solving polynomial equations by factoring
Rational expressions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)
Rational equations

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Cell Phone Policy: The use of cell phones, smart phones, smart watches or other mobile communication devices is disruptive, and is therefore prohibited during class.

Cell phones/electronic devices and their use (rather misuse) have become a huge issue in all academic institutions. They hinder and distract the instructor and other students inside classrooms. In order to respect the important work of the classroom and the teaching and learning environment, this document is to clarify the cell phone electronic devices policy for our classroom. The policy is:

Cell phones/electronic devices can be used before the class and during break (if applicable).
Cell phones/electronic devices must be turned OFF or in vibrate mode when you enter the classroom, and stored away from your desk.
Once inside the classroom, cell phones and electronic devices must not be visible under any circumstances (for example, halfway hanging out of your purse or pocket or backpack) — even though they are OFF.
Absolutely no texting during class and you may not place the device on your lap.
First offense: if a cell phones/electronic device rings, or is visible anytime during class or you are caught using it (or texting) during class time, you will be reminded of the policy.
Second offense and beyond: The student will have to meet with me after class in my office for counseling